100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876

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Below is a complete list of approved NLSchools policies sorted by POLICY NAME by default. Click on the header of a column to sort by that column. Use the options below to search and/or export/print the policy list. The policy, unless otherwise displayed, will include all Administrative Procedures and forms. Where possible, forms from within policies are available as individual documents for ease of access.

Student Suspensions (Under Review) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-100 2024/03/22
Student Appeals Policy (Under Review) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-101 2024/03/22
Religious Symbols and Observances (Under Review) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-102 2024/03/22
The Naming and Re-Naming of Schools (Under Review) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-103 2024/03/22
School System Review Policy DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-104 2025/02/03
Political Activity in Schools DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-109 2024/03/01
Volunteers in Schools PROGRAMS PROG-300 2024/03/07
Administration of Medications, Medical Intervention PROGRAMS PROG-301 2024/03/06
Bomb Threats PROGRAMS PROG-302 2024/03/06
Weapons PROGRAMS PROG-303 2024/03/12
Traumatic-Critical Incidents PROGRAMS PROG-304 2024/03/12
Protection of Children and Youth PROGRAMS PROG-305 2024/03/06
Student Search and Seizure PROGRAMS PROG-306 2024/03/12
Police Investigations PROGRAMS PROG-307 2024/03/06
Student Supervision PROGRAMS PROG-308 2024/09/26
Research Studies and Surveys PROGRAMS PROG-309 2024/04/03
Student Records (Under Review) PROGRAMS PROG-310 2024/10/29
School Zoning, Student Registration and Transfers PROGRAMS PROG-311 2024/03/12
Home Schooling PROGRAMS PROG-312 2024/04/03
School Materials and Student Fees PROGRAMS PROG-313 2024/03/12
Service Dogs (Under Review) PROGRAMS PROG-315 2024/04/03
Cannabis and Smoke Free PROGRAMS PROG-316 2024/03/06
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting PROGRAMS PROG-317 2024/10/21
Use of Instructional Time PROGRAMS PROG-318 2024/03/12
Media Relations PROGRAMS PROG-319 2024/08/26
Student Travel PROGRAMS PROG-320 2024/03/12
French Programs PROGRAMS PROG-323 2024/03/06
School Athletics PROGRAMS PROG-324 2024/03/12
Refusal of School Admissions (Under Review) PROGRAMS PROG-325 2024/03/22
Travel - NLSchools Employees GOVERNMENT OF NL GOVNL-401 2024/03/01
Conflict of Interest GOVERNMENT OF NL GOVNL-405 2024/04/11
School Fundraising FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-406 2024/04/03
Acceptable Use of Technology FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-500 2024/09/26
Social Media Use FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-502 2024/08/26
Vehicle Idling Policy FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-503 2024/03/12
Vehicle Usage FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-504 2019/06/11
Responsible Use of Personal Electronic Devices FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FIN-505 2024/12/17
Video Electronic Security Systems OPERATIONS OPER-600 2024/03/12
Lockdown-Secure Schools OPERATIONS OPER-601 2024/03/06
Community Use of Schools OPERATIONS OPER-602 2024/04/11
Weather or Facilities Related School Closure OPERATIONS OPER-603 2024/03/12
Parking Lot and Traffic Safety OPERATIONS OPER-604 2024/04/05
Facility Security and Access OPERATIONS OPER-605 2024/03/06
Respectful Workplace-Harassment Prevention and Resolution HUMAN RESOURCES HR-800 2024/04/05
Performance Accountability and Professional Growth (Teachers/TLA/Admin) HUMAN RESOURCES HR-801 2024/03/06
Teacher Leave HUMAN RESOURCES HR-802 2024/03/12
Recruitment, Selection, Assignment, Reassignment and Retention of Teaching Staff HUMAN RESOURCES HR-803 2024/03/12
Employee Records HUMAN RESOURCES HR-804 2024/03/06
Employee Orientation HUMAN RESOURCES HR-805 2024/03/01
Criminal Record Check HUMAN RESOURCES HR-806 2024/03/06
Occupational Health and Safety HUMAN RESOURCES HR-808 2024/08/28
Disability Management HUMAN RESOURCES HR-809 2024/03/06
Prevention of Workplace Violence HUMAN RESOURCES HR-811 2024/03/12
Whistleblowing: Employee Disclosure of Wrongdoing HUMAN RESOURCES HR-813 2024/03/12
Protection of Privacy Policy GOVERNMENT OF NL GOVNL-814 2024/03/01
Bullying Intervention Protocol DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-900 2024/03/01
Safe and Caring Schools Policy DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-901 2024/03/01
School Bus Transportation Policies DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-902 2024/03/01
Alternate Transportation Policy and Application Package (Under Review) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DOE-903 2024/10/07


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