100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700
St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
100 Prince Philip Drive
P.O. Box 8700 · St. John's, NL · A1B 4J6
Tel: (709) 729-1234 · Fax: (709) 729-9876
Strategic Planning 2020-23
The Newfoundland and Labrador School Board is required to develop and implement a three-year Strategic Plan In accordance with the Transparency and Accountability Act. The current Strategic Plan ends June 30, 2020. The Board is required to have a new plan for 2020-2023.

The Board will build on the work accomplished under the current plan, with the potential for new overarching strategic directions related to Student Engagement and Success, Health and Well-Being, and Operational Effectiveness. Each strategic direction will include a number of focus areas.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the process of developing and implementing a multi-year Strategic Plan will require flexibility to adapt to any future changes in our learning environments. Given the uncertainty of potential health directives and restrictions that may be implemented, the District's operational needs will be considered throughout the process.
Consultations - ThoughtExchange

Thought Exchange Video
Consultations on the development of the new Strategic Plan will include many stakeholders: Board trustees, District staff, teachers, school councils, parents, students (Grades 7-12) and more. Public consultation will be conducted using ThoughtExchange, an online consultation tool. ThoughtExchange enables participants to provide as many responses as they like to a question, explain each response (to allow others to determine if they agree), and also rate the thoughts of other participants.

You will be prompted to add and verify your email address, and create a password you will need to remember in order to participate in this online conversation. The password will enable you to go back into the ThoughtExchange at any time and add additional thoughts and rate more thoughts contributed by others.

Your email address will not be collected for any other purpose or shared with others. ThoughtExchange keeps confidential who shared each thought and who assigned what ratings.

Discussion Guide
To help inform your participation and commentary in the ThoughtExchange consultation, we have prepared a short Discussion Guide about potential focus areas or discussion topics.

The Board is inviting feedback from your school community, and a ThoughtExchange question has been created for consideration and input. All voices matter, so your participation is important.

Please note: We cannot consider suggestions outside the Board or District mandates, or those requiring new resources (e.g., more human resources to reduce class sizes, changes to busing eligibility policies, new school infrastructure), as such resourcing decisions are made at the Provincial Government level.

Please follow the link below to enter your thoughts on the following question. This exchange will close as of 4:00 p.m. (NT), Friday, May 15, 2020.

What more can we do as a Board that will have the greatest impact on the success of our students?

Click Here to Participate

Examples of potential focus areas may include; literacy, numeracy, experiential 'hands on' learning, student engagement, relationship building, social-emotional learning, developing community partnerships, mental health, physical activity, inclusion, recognizing and celebrating diversity, professional learning, student leadership, or any other topic of your choice that falls within the mandate and control of the Board of Trustees of the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District.

The results of this ThoughtExchange will help the School Board develop options for its next Strategic Plan.

Additional Resources
Please find below some resources that may help inform your input into the Strategic Planning consultation process:

Thank you for participating in the 2020-23 Strategic Plan. Feedback from the ThoughtExchange will be used to develop the 2020-23 Strategic Plan that will be approved by the Board of Trustees.

What We Heard
Consultations informed a "What We Heard" document that can be found below:

Susan Tobin
Manager of Policy and Planning
Email: susantobin1@nlesd.ca
Tel: (709) 725-3287


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